Please call Kim McSherry to get an email of her class schedule.
**Location of all HIA classes: 9780 Westview Drive in the Spring Branch area, one block North of I-10 between Bunker Hill and Witte (Gessner). Phone: 713-932-9889. E-mail: hiakam@sbcglobal.net.
**Pre-registration is strongly encouraged as space is limited and a minimum number of students is required in order for the class to make. To pre-register, make check or money order payable to Kimberly McSherry and mail to 9780 Westview Drive, Houston, TX 77055. The pre-registration discount will be honored only for those who pre-register before date listed for each class.
AST 400: Special Topics Workshop-“The Transits of 2020”,
Saturday, January 11, 2020; 10 am-3:30/4 pm
Cost: $65. ($55. if pre-registered by 1/6/20)
In this full day workshop we will focus on the transits of 2020 for the year ahead. Topics for discussion will include: The Capricorn alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, & Pluto, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of December and Tecumseh’s curse, The Saturn/Pluto conjunctions, Solar Eclipses, Mercury retrogrades in the Water signs, the Nodal shift into Gemini/Sagittarius in May, the long transit of Mars in Aries, the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rat, and more. What do the planets hold in store for you this coming year? Join us for this annual workshop to usher in the New Year and explore the personal and global possibilities for the year ahead.
Beginning Astrology: New group now forming
A new group is now forming to begin the study of Astrology in the Mystery School Tradition through the 2-year curriculum offered by The Houston Institute of Astrology. The first class (AST 101) is scheduled to begin on January 18, 2020. If you are interested in joining this group, please add your name to the “Potential Student List” by contacting Kim McSherry at hiakam@sbcglobal.net. In order for the class to make, the minimum number of students required must be pre-registered for the class by January 13, 2020. Pre-registration details are explained below.
AST 101: Beginning Astrology
Five alternate Saturdays beginning on January 18, 2020 (2/1, 2/15, 2/29, and 3/14) from 10am-3:30/4 pm.
Cost: $250. ($225. if pre-registered by 1/13/20)
The “alphabet” of Astrology consists of the astrological signs, planets and houses of the horoscope. This course provides a basic introduction to the symbolic language of astrology, its symbols and their core meanings, their mythological roots, and their power as universal archetypes that have influenced all of Humanity throughout time. Understanding of this language is the alpha and omega of Astrology – the foundation on which all knowledge of Astrology is built. This is the first course of the HIA 2-year curriculum taught in The Mystery School Tradition, the first tenet of which is “KNOW THYSELF”. If you are ready to embark on a challenging, profound, sometimes confusing, but ultimately wonderful journey of self-discovery, this is one of the many paths you might choose to pursue, and I look forward to sharing the journey with you!
Prerequisites: NONE
AST 402 : Synastry: The Astrology of Relationship
Five alternate Saturdays beginning on January 25, 2020 (2/8, 2/22, 3/7, and 3/21) from 10am – 3:30/4pm.
Cost: $225. ($200. if pre-registered by 1/20/20)
Synastry, or chart comparison, involves the use of astrology to understand the dynamics of the relationship between 2 or more people. The emphasis of this course is the assessment of individual needs in relationship, the process/technique of chart comparison to determine compatibility and challenges within the relationship dynamic, and the use and interpretation of the composite chart, a midpoint chart that describes the “union” as an entity unto itself. The specific synastric significators and composite charts of a variety of relationships (i.e. romance/marriage, parent-child, sibling, friends, open enemies, employer-employee) will be explored and demonstrated in class, as well as the influence of transits and progressions on the experience of relationship.
Prerequisites: All 100 and 200 level classes or equivalent knowledge.
Kimberly McSherry has been a student of Astrology and a professional educator since 1970. She holds multiple degrees from Kent State University (BS in English/Education & Psychology), the State University of New York at Buffalo (MA in Humanities), and The University of Houston (M.ED PSYCH.). A certified Gestalt Therapist, with advanced studies in Jungian and Hakomi Therapeutic approaches as well, Kimberly is the co-founder and current Director of The Houston Institute of Astrology (established in 1980,) offering an intensive 2-year curriculum in the study of Astrology, based on The Mystery School tradition. Her nontraditional education includes extensive study of mythology and comparative religions, Native American Spirituality, and a vast array of physical and metaphysical healing modalities and nontraditional psychological fields. She is the published author of several essays on astrology, which have appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, and Llewellyn’s New World Astrology Series, Spiritual, Metaphysical, & New Trends in Astrology. She has also served on the faculty of most national astrological conferences. Kimberly currently writes, teaches Astrology classes via HIA, offers private astrological consultations, and practices short-term focused therapy using Astrology and a variety of therapeutic techniques. She can be reached by e-mail at hiakam@sbcglobal.net.
**Pre-registration is strongly encouraged as space is limited and a minimum number of students is required in order for the class to make. To pre-register, make check or money order payable to Kimberly McSherry and mail to 9780 Westview Drive, Houston, TX 77055. The pre-registration discount will be honored only for those who pre-register before date listed for each class.
**Location of all HIA classes: 9780 Westview Drive in the Spring Branch area, one block North of I-10 between Bunker Hill and Witte (Gessner). Phone: 713-932-9889. E-mail: hiakam@sbcglobal.net.